Friday, December 16, 2011

5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss

5 Rules for burn fat and weight loss

When you read the five rules you will think There is no doubt
that if all of these types of food is forbidden, what is left to eat?
But the truth if you look at the depth of these rules that are sure to
work with commitment and will not feel very easy with no deprivation or hunger.

Rule 1

Prohibited eating wheat and wheat products

It simply makes you fat. There is no doubt that you feel bloated after eating a delicious plate of pasta. The fact that it is not just a feeling if you notice that you feel the discovered amid tight pants or skirt after eating. As you no doubt noticed that it is hard to stop eating when you start the meal in a restaurant eating slices of fresh bread waiting to bring a main dish, which you ordered. Did you notice the feeling of fullness and bloating after a day which took pieces of bread or toast at breakfast and then Sandwich food and a large plate of pasta for dinner?
And beautiful that with your refusing to wheat you will find yourself has refrained from many other types of food which increases the size of your waist, such as bread, except for baked flour Plant Rye, cakes, biscuits, sausages, pizza, meat and fish covered with eggs and breadcrumbs, pasta, pasta, breakfast cereals made from wheat.
This does not mean all these taboos that you will feel hungry because there are lots of alternatives to non-barred example you can eat bread and Plant corn, barley bread and pasta made from high rice Rice noodle and rice crackers. You can also eat all kinds of rice.

Rule 2

Prohibited eating dairy products

away completely from eating butter and cheese of all kinds and of course milk for two weeks. But you can eat low-fat milk or soy milk and rice milk with tea and coffee or with breakfast cereals that are not wheat. You can also fat bread pills other than wheat Margin thin layer of olive oil made from sunflower oil Online.

Rule 3

Forbidden sugar intake

They base their commitment to hard .. Because we have over the whole day surrounded by a barrage of advertisements for products flowing saliva .. We all know is full of sugar and high calories and makes us fatter, however they eat delicious and very tasty. We are rewarding the purchase of candy bars ourselves and improve our mental health. The reason is that sugar is addictive, even if I thought about how difficult sufficiency always eat a small piece of chocolate.
Hence you had during this diet completely stop eating refined sugars does not contain any nutritional value or benefit at all. Once get used to not present you will never miss it . And even help you book that made its author the pages of many types of fast food as alternatives to sugars will help you get rid of loving of sugar.
It is completely prohibited types of sugars: chocolate, biscuits, ice cream, honey, cakes, white and brown sugar, jam, sweets and all that enter the sugar.

Rule 4

Prohibited eating carbohydrates after 6 pm

This includes all types of bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and cereals. You may feel in the early days she like her but advises you to "I" to abide by, because that will happen is a big difference in your waist size.
The question is whether the carbohydrate is prohibited after 6 pm. What can I eat for dinner?
The answer is simple as you can eat chicken breast or fat-free meat or fish or tofu, if you plant corn. Protein needs more time to digest and therefore you feel full for hours more. In addition to protein, you can fill your plate with vegetables and salads.
Some might say that some vegetables are also the carbohydrates. This is true but they are allowed in this diet. The book includes a large number of recipes and delicious dishes saturated.
An important point is that all experts recommend eating 3 meals a day. But if you're not hungry listen to what your body says it does not eat a full meal, but eat something small. And always eat food just because you are hungry and not because you feel bored or loneliness or sadness and unhappiness. And if you stick to this principle will never be such that you need to search for a way to lose weight.

Rule 5

don't drink Alcoholic

Her diet and put options can drink it like juice and soda with lemon and tomato juice and soft drinks made with diet.

Rules of the 5
1 - not for wheat
2 - not for dairy products
3 - Do not sugar
4 - No carbohydrates after 6 pm
5 - No to Alcohol.

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Loss Abs fat , drink Green tea
3 Impressive Exercises burn abs fat
How to Get Abs Muscles
How to burn abs faster and keep it for ever
Burn fats routines
Eat fats lead to burn more fats
Five ways of magic weight loss during sleep
How can I lose weight fast ?
Two factors to lose weight 
20 way to burn fats
Eating slowly your way to lose fats
5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Eating slowly your way to lose fats

Eating slowly your way to lose fats

Way of eating a role in determining one's thinner or fatter, a recent study has publicized with the intention of eating lean more unhurriedly than generally stoutness.

According to a study by researchers at the University of Rhode Island, paying attention on the tempo of eating quality, showed with the intention of the watery munch by a slower rate of stoutness and the generally amount of food they eat a reduced amount of, too.

And found with the intention of public who eat faster ate in this area 88 grams of food for every little and ate quickly munch a moderate 71 grams for every little, while dealing with public who munch unhurriedly, 56.5 grams for every little.

The researchers conducted a following study showed that men chew their food more quickly than women have in this area 80 calories a little while dealing with women of 56 thermal units for each minute.

It was found that eating foods such as white bread, pasta and potatoes is nearer than eating healthy foods cooked total beans helpful pro the body .

Also reed
Loss Abs fat , drink Green tea
3 Impressive Exercises burn abs fat
How to Get Abs Muscles
How to burn abs faster and keep it for ever
Burn fats routines
Eat fats lead to burn more fats
Five ways of magic weight loss during sleep
How can I lose weight fast ?
Two factors to lose weight 
20 way to burn fats
Eating slowly your way to lose fats
5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

20 way to burn fats

20 way to burn fats

If you want to lose excess weight without tracking strict diet, nutrition experts offers you the twentieth magic way to help you lose five pounds in a week without any further suffering or guilt after violating every diet practice.

1 - Water: proven many scientific studies that the lady who is keen on drinking water in sufficient quantities daily rate of at least eight glasses a large, be more responsive to weight loss than those that do not deal with the quantity, if the water is icy speed up the burn rate .

2 - split your meal : a trick that help you lose weight and at the same time make you feel full, is that split the amount of your meal the usual two meals, it gives you a sense of satiety faster as it satisfies your needs from food because it suggests to you that you have two servings, not one meal.

3 - reduce meat: our meals usually has a meat , and nutrition experts advise you trying to reduce the quantity intake gradually, and in return double the amount of vegetable intake.

4 - Stay away from canned food: Try as much as possible to rely on the foods in your diet fresh mining yourself, and avoid canned and packaged foods because they contain preservatives you do not need.

5 - diet for two days only: If you find it difficult to stick to a diet for a long time, here's the perfect solution which, as studies say if you can try diet for two days in a row so as not to increase the calories gained per day, 650 calories, it will ensure that you rapid weight loss in addition to protect you from breast cancer.

6 - No Sugar: Choose alternatives to grains of sugar in different beverages, but in the foods you should read the ingredients written on the cover to make sure they are free of sugar, many foods contain a significant amount of sugar, such as tomato paste.

7 - Stay away from wheat flour: foods that are mainly dependent on the composition of flour, such as pasta and pasta and white bread, so try not to use them extensively to a strong start to lose weight.

8 - I walk for two minutes every half hour: always try to break the stereotypical your session attendance to walk a little bit for two minutes every half hour, and you will notice the difference in the rate of burning calories.

9 - sleep well: scientific studies have shown that people who do not get plenty of sleep a day, are more enthusiastic for food from their peers.

10 - your food from home: Experts say that eating different foods outside the home earn the equivalent of 135 calories, so be sure to prepare healthy meals and if you do not have enough time to it, seek the help of ready-made meals healthy quick setup.

11 - Go to the gymnasium: If you have the possibility to go to the gymnasium, do not hesitate to do so, and if you prefer to have convinced one of your friends or a family member that Issahpk of the lounge, more encouragement to persevere.

12 - distribution of food on your plate: Follow the following way to eat it to contain two thirds of the fresh vegetables and the last third of the carbohydrates and protein.

13 - and peanut meal: Studies have shown that people who rely on eating nuts such as pistachios as a snack between meals basic, they are more likely to have overweight people who eat meals and snack on the other even though they contain the same calories approximately.

14 - grapefruit: Did you know that eating the fruit Fruit Group help you every day raises of 58% weight loss.

15 - Pay: from the strange things discovered by the scientific studies that people who pay for their purchases of food in cash, they are less weight than people who depend on the payment by credit card, because the idea of ​​payment credit-card make you buy a food I do not need them, in fact, The immediate payment makes you place a mini-plan for your needs and according to budget available and therefore do not you go out for itemized.

16 - crutches electric: you say nutrition experts that walking for 30 minutes a day to ensure you burn 800 calories on the other hand, if you do not you possess the time to walk or appropriate place so no need for arguments anymore, and Buy a crutches electric that will ensure you achieve this.

17 - Spices hot: Seek the help of hot peppers in your meals to increase the rate of burning body fat.

18 - Breakfast: Beware of the dispensing breakfast, it ensures you burn speed for the rest of the day.

19 - skim milk: Make sure to drink cups fat-free milk on a daily basis, it helps to lose weight.

20 - of the main reasons that make women the strength of the French Petite: is that they do not address the additional meals between the main meals such as French fries "chips" or sweets between meals.

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Loss Abs fat , drink Green tea
3 Impressive Exercises burn abs fat
How to Get Abs Muscles
How to burn abs faster and keep it for ever
Burn fats routines
Eat fats lead to burn more fats
Five ways of magic weight loss during sleep
How can I lose weight fast ?
Two factors to lose weight 
20 way to burn fats 
Eating slowly your way to lose fats
5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Two factors to lose weight

Two factors to lose weight

There are two factors controlled the weight of the body, one the amount of food, including its content of calories and represents the energy that enters the body or energy gained and on the other side second factor is the energy consumed by the body in the chemical reactions and the generation of movement and temperature of any energy lost, which depends mainly on the If the individual nature of the work is equal to the amount of energy gained with the amount of energy lost body weight is proven, but if one changed body weight change up or down.

There are some physiological factors that regulate the process of eating and explains that the process of eating begins to feel hungry due to lack of rate of blood sugar, which in turn alerts the one existing centers gland small at the bottom of the brain, and this place called the center to eat and there are other centers, so-called centers of satiety and be alert when increase in blood sugar as a result of eating depends on human eating.

Although the rate of blood sugar is the main factor regulating the work of these centers in the natural person but there are some mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety are accompanied by an increase or decrease in certain chemicals that affect these centers, which increases or reduces the appetite to eat.

Organic diseases that affect the digestion or absorption of food from the intestine, such as diseases of the digestive system.
There are also environmental factors and educational factors that control next to the physiological process in the organization of food quantity and quality it is known that dietary habits and physical exercise and the economic situation varies from one individual to another due to different education from a young age and the degree of awareness of health and economic growth.

Also reed
Loss Abs fat , drink Green tea
3 Impressive Exercises burn abs fat
How to Get Abs Muscles
How to burn abs faster and keep it for ever
Burn fats routines
Eat fats lead to burn more fats
Five ways of magic weight loss during sleep
How can I lose weight fast ?
Two factors to lose weight 
20 way to burn fats  
Eating slowly your way to lose fats
5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss

Thursday, November 24, 2011

How can I lose weight fast ?

How can I lose weight faster ?

Burn fat  No way to lose weight quickly, so should not you get the frustration, all obese people want to get rid of all the weight which they have gained during the years in a few days and this is impossible, and in order to achieve that listen to all the advice and follow all up to them from the roads, it may be some healthy, others unhealthy, and ultimately lose some weight, then gain more weight, and by repeating this command (which is called the phenomenon of yo-yo) is generated in the body stiff resistance to the descent of the weight, which seeks behind the decrease in rapid weight is going behind the mirage in the desert, still panting after him so tired and not up to something.

The best way to lose weight requires commitment to a program of diet ever fewer calories than your body needs (about 1500 calories per day). With the increase in motor activity (walking from the activities that can be exercised at any time, anywhere, at any age). And the descent of weight the safe, which I advise is to lose one-half to one kilogram per week, while trying to lose weight more quickly, it makes the body reduces the burning of calories freedom as a precautionary measure, which generates strong resistance to the descent of the weight of the hand, on the other hand, can be lead to the loss of weight of muscle tissue.

In addition, the program must be food, which followed a diverse foods, and is achieved by choosing healthy foods and vegetable consumption in all its forms and colors, whether fresh or cooked and a lot of green salad and a lot of leafy vegetables, eating the fruit or two fruit per day, and must include the program on Drinking a glass of skim milk per day or a few dairy products or non-fat, and I would advise drinking copious amounts of water at least 2 liters a day.

Also reed
Loss Abs fat , drink Green tea
3 Impressive Exercises burn abs fat
How to Get Abs Muscles
How to burn abs faster and keep it for ever
Burn fats routines
Eat fats lead to burn more fats
Five ways of magic weight loss during sleep
How can I lose weight fast ? 
Two factors to lose weight 
20 way to burn fats  
Eating slowly your way to lose fats
5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss

Monday, November 21, 2011

Five ways of magic weight loss during sleep

Five ways of magic weight loss during sleep

The first way: Eat whole grains

Whole grains contain more fiber than grain processing, where it is whole grain rich in terms of food because they contain the bran, and therefore contain protein, fiber and antioxidants and minerals from "zinc, iron, magnesium," and examples of whole grains:
Oats, corn, brown rice:
The grain is processed, which is re-values ​​its food after treatment such as certain vitamins
iron, while the fiber lost will not be returned, and examples of grain processing "white flour, white bread, white rice."
Thus restructuring of the diet to contain more whole grains, your body makes acquire additional quantities of fiber, which is working to dictate your stomach does not feel hungry for a long period of time.

The second way: Do not eat any food after seven in the evening

Try as much as possible to make your last meals daily before seven o'clock this evening, while if you feel hungry you should eat a snack such as yogurt cup low-fat strewn with a few walnuts section, or plate grain oats mixed with milk or skim or a piece of bread toast is made of whole grains by hanging a small peanut butter.

The third way: Choose a light meal of carbohydrates, protein and calcium

The dairy products from more sources that motivate you to sleep quickly, that the brain uses calcium with tryptophan located by melatonin for the manufacture of the first cause of a sense of sleepiness during the night.
The addition of carbohydrates to dairy products and eat protein, Faamlan calm the body produces the hormone serotonin in terms of increased production leads to a sense of relaxation and thus a person feels that he needs for eternity to sleep, but taking into account the quantity intake of protein is not valid consumption of large amounts before bedtime, so do not boil down in the body turns to fat later.
Nutrition experts also advise you, in the case of a snack before bedtime not to exceed 200 calories, while avoiding foods that contain hot pepper "activities" or garlic.

Fourth method: Avoid eating protein before bedtime

Eat foods that contain a high proportion of carbohydrates, from foods to stimulate the production of insulin, which helps clean the blood stream of amino acids that compete with the amino acid tryptophan, which helps the body manufacture serotonin and melatonin subjects, which are helping the body to sleep.
Remember well that meals containing high protein without being accompanied by any of the side dishes such as carbohydrates, may make you awake for long periods of time for the secretion of tyrosine that leads to sleep disturbance in a person.

Method Five: Avoid eating foods stimulant before sleep

There are a range of foods taboo before bedtime, as it contains material that prevents you from sleep and relax the body, such as spicy foods, which contain tomato sauce, and acidic drinks, and chocolate and foods that are high in fat and fried foods that contain onions, garlic and mint, and finally drinks that contain caffeine stimulant for the body.

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Loss Abs fat , drink Green tea
3 Impressive Exercises burn abs fat
How to Get Abs Muscles
How to burn abs faster and keep it for ever
Burn fats routines
Eat fats lead to burn more fats
Five ways of magic weight loss during sleep
How can I lose weight fast
Two factors to lose weight 
20 way to burn fats  
Eating slowly your way to lose fats
5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss

Friday, November 18, 2011

Eat fats lead to burn more fats

Eat fats lead to burn more fats
Not all Fats are Bad

The truth is that some fats are very bad for us and some fats are actually very good for us.

Fats have been unfairly lumped together as being all bad for too long. Fat doesn't necessarily cause disease, and can actually cause a role in its prevention.
Time has shown us that diets that restrict all fats fail in terms of weight loss.
Americans have been told that they need to restrict saturated fat in their diets. So we switched to margarine from butter, and did what we could to restrict fat. We have been constantly told that the reason for our health problems is that we still eat too much fat, especially saturated fats.

Since Americans have been told to eat a low fat diet to lose weight, the results are that nearly two thirds of adult Americans are now classified as overweight and more children are overweight now than ever before. Obviously something is wrong. That is because we need special kinds of fats in our diets that we are not getting .

If you are like me, you grew up being told that vegetable oils were the good oils and saturated fats were the bad ones. Now we are finding out that it is just the opposite. Diets that are moderate to high in "good" saturated fats and oils such as coconut oil and olive oil are actually very good for us. They raise good cholesterol levels and lower bad cholesterol, blood glucose and blood pressure. As a matter of fact, people who started adding at least 4 tablespoons of coconut oil to their diets every day, have found that they can now lose weight when they could not before on a fat restricted diet. Sometimes the addition of these oils even helps with their health problems.

Also reed
Loss Abs fat , drink Green tea
3 Impressive Exercises burn abs fat
How to Get Abs Muscles
How to burn abs faster and keep it for ever
Burn fats routines
Eat fats lead to burn more fats
Five ways of magic weight loss during sleep
How can I lose weight fast
Two factors to lose weight 
20 way to burn fats  
Eating slowly your way to lose fats
5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Burn fats routines

Burn fats routines

if you want to burn your fats effectively you must know that
every 3500 calories equal 450 gram of fats so you must do
some routines to burn your fats
here some sports routines and how much you burn with it
every sport burn 1000 cal  equal 130 gram of bad fats

sport                               time    
base ball                        2 hr 30 m
basket ball                     1 hr 45 m
cycling                            1 hr 45 m
boxing                            1 hr
foot ball                          1 hr 15 m
jumping rope                 1 hr 45 m
lift weight                        2 hr
karate                             1 hr 30 m
swimming                      1 hr 45 m
running                           1 hr 15 m

see how much fats you want to burn than make a moving steps

Also reed
Loss Abs fat , drink Green tea
3 Impressive Exercises burn abs fat
How to Get Abs Muscles
How to burn abs faster and keep it for ever
Burn fats routines
Eat fats lead to burn more fats
Five ways of magic weight loss during sleep
How can I lose weight fast
Two factors to lose weight 
20 way to burn fats  
Eating slowly your way to lose fats
5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss

Saturday, November 12, 2011

How to burn abs faster and keep it for ever

How to burn abs faster

The big idea is to keep your habit and make burn fats goes normally as a habit
and burn your abs fat

Eat less calories than normal but do not make a big difference too
But you should reduce your meals intelligently if you take 1500 calories
Reduced that amount to 1400 calories
Eat to know said 3,500 calories is equivalent to 450 grams of fat a simple
Calculation 3500/100 = 35 days and will not feel this reduction in your Meals as 100 calories Equivalent to reducing the egg of your meals throughout
The day

Muscle effort keep moving
Your performance will lead some exercises to maximize results for burning fats
Here's the data for the various sports in order to burn 1000 calories
Boxing for one hour
Basketball for one hour and 45 minutes
Jump rope for two hours and 15 minutes
Football for two hours and 15 minutes
Lifting weights for two hours

So by doing some exercises maybe boxing for 30 minutes you will burn 500 calories
And you can add 400 calories to you day meal you will burn about kilo gram in
You will get your perfect result in 3 to 4 months but you will keep it for ever

Also reed
Loss Abs fat , drink Green tea
3 Impressive Exercises burn abs fat
How to Get Abs Muscles
How to burn abs faster and keep it for ever
Burn fats routines
Eat fats lead to burn more fats
Five ways of magic weight loss during sleep
How can I lose weight fast
Two factors to lose weight
20 way to burn fats
Eating slowly your way to lose fats
5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Get Abs Muscles

Abs Muscles
Abs Muscles
oh that's amazing abs wow
if you have noticed beside he have abs , he didn't have fat even in his arm . that's what i talking about .
you must do 2 things before you had this amazing abs 
first : loss your  all your bad abs fats

second : you must do exercise that's will help you to loss you fats specially your abs fat you can see it here 3 Impressive Exercises burn abs fat

Eating slowly your way to lose fats
5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss