Thursday, November 24, 2011

How can I lose weight fast ?

How can I lose weight faster ?

Burn fat  No way to lose weight quickly, so should not you get the frustration, all obese people want to get rid of all the weight which they have gained during the years in a few days and this is impossible, and in order to achieve that listen to all the advice and follow all up to them from the roads, it may be some healthy, others unhealthy, and ultimately lose some weight, then gain more weight, and by repeating this command (which is called the phenomenon of yo-yo) is generated in the body stiff resistance to the descent of the weight, which seeks behind the decrease in rapid weight is going behind the mirage in the desert, still panting after him so tired and not up to something.

The best way to lose weight requires commitment to a program of diet ever fewer calories than your body needs (about 1500 calories per day). With the increase in motor activity (walking from the activities that can be exercised at any time, anywhere, at any age). And the descent of weight the safe, which I advise is to lose one-half to one kilogram per week, while trying to lose weight more quickly, it makes the body reduces the burning of calories freedom as a precautionary measure, which generates strong resistance to the descent of the weight of the hand, on the other hand, can be lead to the loss of weight of muscle tissue.

In addition, the program must be food, which followed a diverse foods, and is achieved by choosing healthy foods and vegetable consumption in all its forms and colors, whether fresh or cooked and a lot of green salad and a lot of leafy vegetables, eating the fruit or two fruit per day, and must include the program on Drinking a glass of skim milk per day or a few dairy products or non-fat, and I would advise drinking copious amounts of water at least 2 liters a day.

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