Friday, December 16, 2011

5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss

5 Rules for burn fat and weight loss

When you read the five rules you will think There is no doubt
that if all of these types of food is forbidden, what is left to eat?
But the truth if you look at the depth of these rules that are sure to
work with commitment and will not feel very easy with no deprivation or hunger.

Rule 1

Prohibited eating wheat and wheat products

It simply makes you fat. There is no doubt that you feel bloated after eating a delicious plate of pasta. The fact that it is not just a feeling if you notice that you feel the discovered amid tight pants or skirt after eating. As you no doubt noticed that it is hard to stop eating when you start the meal in a restaurant eating slices of fresh bread waiting to bring a main dish, which you ordered. Did you notice the feeling of fullness and bloating after a day which took pieces of bread or toast at breakfast and then Sandwich food and a large plate of pasta for dinner?
And beautiful that with your refusing to wheat you will find yourself has refrained from many other types of food which increases the size of your waist, such as bread, except for baked flour Plant Rye, cakes, biscuits, sausages, pizza, meat and fish covered with eggs and breadcrumbs, pasta, pasta, breakfast cereals made from wheat.
This does not mean all these taboos that you will feel hungry because there are lots of alternatives to non-barred example you can eat bread and Plant corn, barley bread and pasta made from high rice Rice noodle and rice crackers. You can also eat all kinds of rice.

Rule 2

Prohibited eating dairy products

away completely from eating butter and cheese of all kinds and of course milk for two weeks. But you can eat low-fat milk or soy milk and rice milk with tea and coffee or with breakfast cereals that are not wheat. You can also fat bread pills other than wheat Margin thin layer of olive oil made from sunflower oil Online.

Rule 3

Forbidden sugar intake

They base their commitment to hard .. Because we have over the whole day surrounded by a barrage of advertisements for products flowing saliva .. We all know is full of sugar and high calories and makes us fatter, however they eat delicious and very tasty. We are rewarding the purchase of candy bars ourselves and improve our mental health. The reason is that sugar is addictive, even if I thought about how difficult sufficiency always eat a small piece of chocolate.
Hence you had during this diet completely stop eating refined sugars does not contain any nutritional value or benefit at all. Once get used to not present you will never miss it . And even help you book that made its author the pages of many types of fast food as alternatives to sugars will help you get rid of loving of sugar.
It is completely prohibited types of sugars: chocolate, biscuits, ice cream, honey, cakes, white and brown sugar, jam, sweets and all that enter the sugar.

Rule 4

Prohibited eating carbohydrates after 6 pm

This includes all types of bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and cereals. You may feel in the early days she like her but advises you to "I" to abide by, because that will happen is a big difference in your waist size.
The question is whether the carbohydrate is prohibited after 6 pm. What can I eat for dinner?
The answer is simple as you can eat chicken breast or fat-free meat or fish or tofu, if you plant corn. Protein needs more time to digest and therefore you feel full for hours more. In addition to protein, you can fill your plate with vegetables and salads.
Some might say that some vegetables are also the carbohydrates. This is true but they are allowed in this diet. The book includes a large number of recipes and delicious dishes saturated.
An important point is that all experts recommend eating 3 meals a day. But if you're not hungry listen to what your body says it does not eat a full meal, but eat something small. And always eat food just because you are hungry and not because you feel bored or loneliness or sadness and unhappiness. And if you stick to this principle will never be such that you need to search for a way to lose weight.

Rule 5

don't drink Alcoholic

Her diet and put options can drink it like juice and soda with lemon and tomato juice and soft drinks made with diet.

Rules of the 5
1 - not for wheat
2 - not for dairy products
3 - Do not sugar
4 - No carbohydrates after 6 pm
5 - No to Alcohol.

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5 Rules for fat loss and weight loss

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